Sunday, January 20, 2013


Polishing your Divine Self:
the Divine Beings Spiritual Program

This program is designed to assist individuals in clearing away their negative, self-denying thought patterns, layer by layer in order for them to see their true selves. The physical body has often been referred to as ‘the temple of the divine’ and it is through this special program that we are given a real opportunity to step closer to this mysterious divine place. It is not an arduous or costly practice, just a gradual process achieved day by day thorough constant practise.

A person who realises anew that the essence of a human being is divine, a spark of the Great Life, and naturally reflects this radiant inner light in their daily life so that they inspire many along their path, can be called a divine being. Today there is a blossoming of spiritual practices so that there are many ways available to anyone who is interested in inner growth, but sometimes these can be too numerous and it is also possible to become misguided or end up in greater confusion than when one started!

The Divine Beings Spiritual Program is a special program open to all regardless of their spiritual practice or religious preferences, which builds upon the practise of the Divinity IN. Progressing along the path of inner awakening, each individual’s personal experience is the most important aspect of the program. The presence of a large number of such divine beings on the earth will create a powerful energy shift, enough to uplift planet earth to a level of divine consciousness.

The more ‘awakened’ divine beings there are on our planet the sooner we will see ‘peace on earth’. We welcome you to join the thousands who have already completed or are partaking in this most important spiritual work. We invite you to write a mandala for yourself, for others and ultimately for the earth and the universe.

Basic requirements of the program

In order to begin this special program, you will need to have a good grasp of the Divinity IN, that is the IN of Ware Soku Kami Nari (I am a divine being) and the IN of Jinrui Soku Kami Nari (Humanity is divine). An IN is a combination of hand movements, specific breathing and harmonious vocal sounds which together attune us to the universal laws of harmony.

The program consists of three tasks:

1.       Writing the Universal God Mandala

Ware Soku Kami Nari (I am a divine being)

Jinrui Soku Kami Nari (Humanity is divine)

2.  Writing “Jinrui Soku Kami Nari” 7 times each day until completion of both mandalas. You may choose to write a total of 100 sets instead, at your pace.

3. Emitting silently, the vibration of love carried in the sounds “Jinrui Soku Kami Nari” toward 70,000 people.

The Divine Beings Program for Disabled Persons

This is a modified program suitable for people with disabilities who have difficulty in writing and/or walking.

What are the benefits of completing the program?

Although we may recognise the divinity in ourselves, it is often more difficult to recognise such divinity in others. This program can help you to realise the divinity of all humanity.

While writing the powerful words, I am a divine being (Ware Soku Kami Nari) and Humanity is divine (Jinrui Soku Kami Nari) thousands of times, negative and disharmonious thoughts are replaced by bright, positive, high-energy thoughts. This in turn produces a brighter outlook on one’s life and circumstances, imparting an overall feeling of upliftment. Our patterns of self-denial, self-blaming and criticism, as well as our readiness to judge, eventually give way to a brighter , more positive, accepting and radiant self.

Completion of the divine beings spiritual program brings us closer to our true nature. It brings greater harmony and brightness into a person’s life, elevating them to a divine state of awareness. Various afflictions, brought on by a person’s discordant heart and mind, tend to lessen and eventually fade away.

By writing Humanity is divine (Jinrui Soku Kami Nari) for others, we etch anew this universal truth in our soul, simultaneously creating a strong pool of vibrant energy for the whole of humanity. Thus we participate together in the creation of a new consciousness – a divine consciousness.

Significantly, participation in the divine beings spiritual program means joining the growing number of people on the planet who are dedicating themselves to building a new culture of peace and spiritual values through their own journey of inner transformation.

Comments on the Mandala Writing

Some people find it a big challenge, while others seem to sail through, pushed on by an inner urge they cannot always explain and often did not realise they had. Some people have started the program while visiting Fuji Sanctuary and felt compelled to finish it before leaving Japan, and so have completed their mandala in record time. Others have taken over 8 years.

Someone felt the experience of writing the mandala was very cleansing. Writing the Ware Soku Kami Nari mandala was, in her words, very physical and emotional. “I felt a lot better after the completion of both mandalas, the sadness was gone and my outlook on the world had shifted.”

Advancing further towards the completion of the program, people will often report a sense of renewed harmony in their family and in their immediate surroundings. In pure silence, the vibrant energy from the universal God Mandala carries such a power.

Each person is unique. Each mandala is unique. It is your own soul signature.


Symphony of Peace Prayers
May Peace Prevail On Earth

We're inviting you to join us for a ‘Symphony of Peace Prayers’
on Sunday 18th May 2014
at the Grovedale Community Centre, 45-47 Heyers Rd, Grovedale 3216
1.30pm – 3.30pm

The aim of Symphony of Peace Prayers
Symphony of Peace Prayers is a global event that aims to bring people from all walks of life and traditions, into a day of prayers for world peace and interfaith convergence. In celebration of the diversity of our cultural traditions and faiths, SOPP offers a space for the energy of love, peace and harmony, to gather in a grand Symphony of united prayers for peace and happiness of all humanity. Our prayers for peace, celebrating each nation, are a powerful invocation of light and love to the world, and are a unique part of the events. Symphony of Peace Prayers is part of the Shift to a spiritual consciousness that is building up on the planet.

Since 2007, the SOPP has been linked with the Global Peace Meditation and Prayer Day event (

We look forward to sharing your presence & participation, along with as many of your family and friends as possible for this special afternoon.

 Please feel free to network this event to all your friends of peace, spiritual groups and communities.
All are very welcome.

With Infinite peace Infinite love Infinite blessings,

Jenny (*0*)  
RSVP: 12 May 2014 if possible, for organisational purposes