Sunday, November 28, 2010

Symphony of Peace Prayers 2010

Sunday May 16th
SOPP was held in Geelong on a beautiful, sunny Autumn day. We ended up with sixty or more people sharing together.
A few comments after the event:
  • It was soooooo beautiful; such a gentle, awesome, all encompassing energy. Much easier than in previous years which was interesting.
  • I truly enjoyed our SOPP with its gentle, flowing energy filled with love. The most relaxed I've ever felt with this event.
  • It was a beautiful focused day from set up to completion and all went really well with a soft balanced energy.
  • It was such a joyous event filled with love, serenity and power. My sense was that something big has shifted energetically around the globe this year with this event. It was much easier energetically.
The harmony of voices of various faiths and spiritual traditions resounding in united prayer was a unique feature of Sunday's Symphony Of Peace Prayers. Members of both the Geelong Interfaith Network and general community joined thousands of others worldwide in this Symphony of Peace Prayers, containing within it a wish, a vision, and a mission for humanity to live in happiness, peace, health and harmony.
David Tournier, of the local Wathaurong people, gave a most beautiful, heartfelt Welcome to Country and our well known Monsignor James Murray gave the address on 'Oneness: What is Peace?'

A colourful, joyfilled World Peace Flag Ceremony followed, sending prayers for peace to the over 200 countries on our planet, symbolically using the flag of each nation. Children from the Baha'i Children's Choir, after singing peace songs, joined adults in a constant parade of flags held aloft, with all participants shouting out 'May peace be in .........' for each individual country.
It was an afternoon of rejoicing in sharing, with love and respect, and cherishing the oneness of us all.