Tuesday, March 14, 2017

SYMPHONY OF PEACE PRAYERS 2017 - Geelong area (Winchelsea)

Geelong area
May Peace Prevail On Earth

Geelong Interfaith Network & Byakko Shinko Kai peace organisation

We're inviting you to join us for a 
 ‘Symphony of Peace Prayers’
on  Sunday 7th May 2017
at 'Kirriemuir', 400 Mathison Road, WINCHELSEA, 3241
1.15pm – 3.30pm

This year we are venturing out into the countryside to hold our ceremony in nature, nestled under big old trees, on a farm.
We do have undercover if the weather is inclement.
Bring a folding chair/cushion or rug on which to sit.

The aim of Symphony of Peace Prayers
Symphony of Peace Prayers is a global event that aims to bring people from all walks of life and traditions, into a day of prayers for world peace and interfaith convergence. In celebration of the diversity of our cultural traditions and faiths, SOPP offers a space for the energy of love, peace and harmony, to gather in a grand Symphony of united prayers for peace and happiness of all humanity. Our prayers for peace, celebrating each nation, are a powerful invocation of light and love to the world, and are a unique part of the events. Symphony of Peace Prayers is part of the Shift to a spiritual consciousness that is building up on the planet.

Please write your personal prayer/affirmation for peace on paper before arriving: 
there will be a ceremonial placing of all peace prayers together.

A moving World Peace Flag CEREMONY, honouring all nations is part of our sharing.

Since 2007, the SOPP has been linked with the Global Peace Meditation and Prayer Day event (www.globalpeacemeditationprayerday.org)

Included will be the FUJI DECLARATION, a Universal declaration for a new era in human civilisation.

We look forward to sharing your presence & participation, along with as many of your family and friends as possible for this special afternoon.

 Please feel free to network this event to all your friends of peace, spiritual groups and communities.
All are very welcome.

With Infinite peace Infinite love Infinite blessings,

Jenny (*0*)

RSVP: 4th May 2017 if possible, for organisational purposes

About Me

Peace Flag Ceremony

Peace Flag Ceremony
Offering the universal prayer "May Peace Prevail On Earth" for each country of the world, symbolically using the flag of each nation.