Sunday, August 23, 2020



September 21, 2020 – initiative of Elena Becu Uruguay

Waves of Peace

For Australians: Please send your photos to Elena, BUT also cc them to me please as I’d like to have an Aussie database. Even send me photos of Peace Poles you have already ‘planted’ or created, with where they are and when they manifested and maybe, by whom.

For assistance in gaining a peace pole, please look at for our very own peace pole maker, Pete Clapinski.

Pete also creates stickers at times for smaller projects so it’s worth sending him a message if you have a bright inspiration to create your own magnificent Peace Pole, from the smallest to the tallest.

Pole Planting I invite you to plant your Peace Pole
at home, in your garden, in the plaza, at school.


What is a Pole of Peace?

A Pole of Peace is an international symbol, of the dreams and hopes of all humanity, in silent prayer for peace on Earth. Each Pole has the message: "Peace prevails on Earth" written in several languages. There are more than 200,000 Poles planted in 176 countries.

   September 21 is the International Day of Peace (UN). Let us fill our gardens and houses with Poles of Peace.

You can see more Peace Poles in:

Why do we plant Poles of Peace?

Planting a Pole of Peace is a way of bringing people together to inspire, awaken and elevate human consciousness. They remind us to think peace, speak peace and act peace. They are visual monuments that Peace is possible.

You can place your intentions on stones or on pieces of paper

You can create your Pole in any size and shape

Write “May peace prevail on earth” or "Peace prevails on Earth" in the languages ​​you prefer

Send us your photos to:
We are going to make an album with all the new Peace Poles.
 2020 year of the COVID.
Nothing stops the yearning for Peace

This year 2020, accompany thousands of people in the world who on September 21 celebrate Peace as something already created, possible, necessary.

Add your energy to the planet, in this immense network of interconnected antennas of peace.

You can create your Pole in your garden, on your balcony, at home, in a square, in a school.


Any query:
whatsapp 0059894252336 only messages



September 21st

International Day of Peace

Peace Pole Planting Wave

In the previous email we told you how you can make your own Peace Pole, and join from your home on September 21, International Peace Day, by planting one at home, in your garden, on your balcony, in a park or in a school. (I add the link below)

If you decide to do it, please take three photos

  1.  one choosing the pole
  2. the second while you are preparing it 
  3. the third at the time of planting.

Send me those three photos to:

With all of them we are going to make an album. .

We will also meet by zoom on September 27 at 2:00 p.m. to share our photos


For Geelong it is Monday September 28th at 3am!!! I will still be asleep.

Join the Zoom meeting

Beautiful video link below

In Spanish, but you can click on the video; it is in English with Spanish subtitles. (Jenny)