September 21, 2020 – initiative of Elena Becu Uruguay Waves of Peace For Australians: Please send your photos to Elena, BUT also cc them to me please as I’d like to have an Aussie database. Even send me photos of Peace Poles you have already ‘planted’ or created, with where they are and when they manifested and maybe, by whom. For assistance in gaining a peace pole, please look at https://peacepolesaustralia.com for our very own peace pole maker, Pete Clapinski. Pete also creates stickers at times for smaller projects so it’s worth sending him a message if you have a bright inspiration to create your own magnificent Peace Pole, from the smallest to the tallest.
Why do we plant Poles of Peace? Planting a Pole of Peace is a way of bringing people together to inspire, awaken and elevate human consciousness. They remind us to think peace, speak peace and act peace. They are visual monuments that Peace is possible. |
You can place your intentions on stones or on pieces of paper
You can create your Pole in any size and shape
Write “May peace prevail on earth” or "Peace prevails on Earth" in the languages you prefer
Send us your photos to: becuelena@gmail.com
We are going to make an album with all the new Peace Poles.
2020 year of the COVID.
Nothing stops the yearning for Peace
About Me
Peace Flag Ceremony
My Favourite Websites
- Ceremonies (1)
- Earth Appreciation Mandala Project (1)
- Fuji Sanctuary (1)
- Gratitude to Nature (3)
- Interfaith Harmony (5)
- International Day of Peace (5)
- Mandala Writing (13)
- Masahisa Goi (2)
- Music (1)
- Out and About (3)
- Parliament of World Religion (3)
- Peace poles (3)
- Peace Prayer Ceremony (2)
- Positive Thinking and Acting (1)
- Power of Breathing (1)
- Regular & Upcoming Events (1)
- Special Events (4)
- Spiritual ''Polishing' (1)
- Symphony of Peace Prayers-SOPP (8)
- Workshops (1)
- World Peace Flag Ceremony (1)
- World Peace Flame (1)